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联系电话: 020-86603123

主营业务: 迅启蓄电池、火炬蓄电池、合力叉车电瓶、杭州叉车电池、TCM叉车蓄电池



STILL electric pallettruck batteries are mainly 2V in series. The combination of 24V,48V, and 80V has different voltages and capacities. According tothese combinations, the forklift can be matched. The capacity ofthe electric forklift battery depends on multiple monomers inseries, and a single battery. The capacity is very high, but thevoltage value is very low. The sum of the series connection canmeet the basic requirements of a forklift. What we most often seeis that a single battery fails, the capacity drops very quickly,and even the specific gravity returns to zero, and no electricityis stored, resulting in the entire group. The forklift batterycan"t work. It can meet the workload of 8 hours a day. After asingle short-circuit, there is only half an hour or tens ofminutes. In this case, the general customer replaces the singlebattery directly or replaces it as a whole. Within 2 years, it doesnot make much sense to replace the monomer. We recommend that thebattery within 2 years can be replaced with a new battery.Individual or even several batteries with unbalanced voltage,capacity, and specific gravity appear after more than 2 years.After all replacement, electric forklift After a few months, thecapacity of the battery is basically the same as the originalbattery, and the charging and discharging output cannot beconsistent. Because the battery is a product that gradually fails,this is because the performance of the various raw materials usedare gradually aging. After the battery is fully charged, if it isstored for a long time, it will enter the self-discharge process,and its capacity will gradually decrease, and this phenomenon isinevitable.