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杭州叉车电池型号表80V4PZS620 杭叉叉车80V电瓶价格

35960.00元/组 价格

13 供货量

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联系电话: 020-86603123

主营业务: 迅启蓄电池、火炬蓄电池、合力叉车电瓶、杭州叉车电池、TCM叉车蓄电池



Hangcha battery 40-4PZS620 belongs to Heli CPD30 forkliftspecial battery. This kind of 40 single-cell battery packs can lifta load of 3 tons. The Brauns brand is selected as the main engine.It has strong climbing power and a design life of 4More than years, cost-effective, perfect connectionand easy maintenance. Hangcha forklift battery is an important partof Heli forklift accessories. Maintenance determines whether itscycle life and cycle times are fully utilized. 80V620Ah belongs tothe German standard DIN series with tubular poles. The boardformula makes the Brauns brand more perfect.