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联系电话: 0536-3468518

主营业务: 医疗污水处理设备 小区社区水处理设备 屠宰养殖水处理设备 食品水处理设备 豆制品水处理设备 地埋式一体化水处理设备 洗涤水处理设备 生活水处理设备


1 氯的杀菌机理









1)通常采用物化+生化方法处理,主要工艺有: 絮凝沉淀(物化)+水解酸化(生化)+深度氧化(生化)+消毒---达标排放






贵州省贵阳市:南明区、花溪区、白云区、开阳县、修文县、清镇市、云岩区、乌当区、小河区、息烽县六盘水市:钟山区、水城县、盘县、六枝特区、遵义市:红花岗区、遵义县、绥阳县、安顺市:西秀区、普定县铜仁地区:铜仁市、玉屏侗族自治县、思南县、毕节地区:毕节市、黔西县、织金县、威宁彝族回族苗族自治县、赫章县、大方县、金沙县、纳雍县黔西南布依族苗族自治州:安龙县、兴义市、普安县、贞丰县、册亨县、兴仁县、晴隆县、望谟县黔东南南苗族侗族自治州:凯里市、施秉县、镇远县、天柱县、剑河县、黎平县、从江县、麻江县、丹寨县、黄平县、三穗县<spanfont-size:16px;color:#cc33cc;">一、 班后










在A级生物池,由于污水中有机物浓度比较高,微生物处理缺氧状态,此时微生物为兼性微生物,它们将污水中的有机氮转化分解成氨氮,利用有机碳源作为电子供体将NO2-N、NO3-N转化为N2,还利用部分有机物碳源和氨氮合成新的细胞物质A级生物池不仅具有一定的有机物去除功能,减轻后续好氧池的有机负荷,以利于硝化作用的进行;依靠原水中存在的较高浓度有机物,完成反硝化作用,Zui终消除氨的富营养化污染,Afterhydrolysis and acidification, the wastewater enters oxygen-poortank, contact oxidation tank and secondary sedimentation tank inorder to circulate, so that the wastewater is in the environment ofanoxic and oxygen-enriched cycle transformation, and the followingtransformation can be achieved.- Denitrification; convertingorganic nitrogen into ammonia nitrogen, transforming ammonianitrogen into nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen through aerobicmicrobial nitrification bacteria, and then transforming nitritenitrogen and nitrate nitrogen into nitrogen through anaerobicmicrobial denitrification bacteria, escaping from sewage-phosphorus removal; high phosphorus content sludge is formed byphosphorus accumulating bacteria releasing phosphorus in anoxicenvironment and absorbing excessive phosphorus in oxygen-richenvironment.- Degrading organic matter thoroughly; On the basis ofhydrolysis acidification, utilizing the characteristics of rapidpropagation of aerobic microorganisms in oxygen-rich environmentand rapid propagation of anaerobic microorganisms in anoxicenvironment, degrading organic matter in turn and transforming itinto sludge(3) Disinfection of sewage to meet dischargestandards(4) Regular removal of sludgeThe characteristics of sewagetreatment methods in small and medium-sized hospitals are asfollows: the volume of the oxygen-poor pool is much smaller thanthat of the contact oxidation pool. When the sewage circulates, theresidence time in the oxygen-poor pool is very short, while theresidence time in the contact oxidation pool is very long, so thatthe sludge produced by biochemical treatment is mainly deposited inthe contact oxidation pool.The characteristics of sewage treatmentmethods in small and medium-sized hospitals are as follows: theoxygen-poor pool is composed of adjusting aeration pool and anoxicpool in series. The two pools are connected structure. By changingthe aeration degree of the adjusting aeration pool, the sewage isfully mixed and the water quality is uniform.4. The sewagetreatment method for small and medium-sized hospitals as describedin claim 3 is characterized in that the sewage treatment stationalso includes a sludge concentration pond which is connected with acontact oxidation pond, and the sludge concentration pond isequipped with a refluxpipe.与调节曝气池连通,回流管路上配有回水泵,开启回水泵,将污泥浓缩池的上层污水泵回调节曝气池,使下层的污泥浓缩,也使接触氧化池中的污泥持续进入污泥浓缩池Thecharacteristics of sewage treatment methods in small andmedium-sized hospitals are as follows: chlorine dioxide is injectedinto the drainage pipe of secondary sedimentation tank; chlorinedioxide flow rate is accurately measured by metering pump to reduceresidual chlorine residue; at the same time, water body issufficiently mixed from the contact oxidation tank and aerated byblower to reduce dosage.6. The small and medium-sized hospitalsewage treatment method described in Fig. 4 is characterized bythat the sewage return flow R = 1:1, i.e. the sewage circulationflow: the treated discharge flow = 1:1.At present, the total numberof medical units above county level (including industrial andmining enterprises hospitals, military hospitals, private hospitalsand Sino-foreign joint venture hospitals, etc.) in our country(except Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao SpecialAdministrative Region and Taiwan region) is about 21,000, of which1041 are tertiary first-class hospitals, accounting for about 5% ofthe total number of hospitals, 90% of which are small andmedium-sized hospitals below secondary level, relatively speaking,large hospitals. All of them have more standardized wastewatertreatment systems, and are equipped with professional maintenanceand management. However, due to the reasons of fund, operation costand personnel quality, a large number of small and medium-sizedmedical institutions are weak in the construction of medicalwastewater treatment facilities, and their operation is notcompletely normal, which is a difficult and important point incurrent pollution control.The sewage discharged by hospitalsconsists of two parts, one is domestic wastewater, the pollutantsare mainly organic matter, the other is medical wastewater, thepollutants are mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and so on. At present,most of the small and medium-sized medical institutions in ourcountry generally adopt the first-level intensified treatment. Thetypical process is as follows.The characteristic of the first-levelintensification process is that it can effectively controlpathogens through disinfection process, but the removal effect ofCOD and BOD is not good and can not meet the requirements ofenvironmental protection.In recent years, with the progress ofsocial economy and the improvement of people"s awareness ofenvironmental protection, more and more small and medium-sizedmedical institutions have built a number of secondary biochemicaltreatment facilities. The processes adopted include A/O, SBR,oxidation ditch and contact oxidation.As can be seen from Table 1,three biological treatment methods, A/O, SBR and oxidation ditch,all have good treatment effect.However, for small and medium-sizedmedical institutions, due to the lack of funds and managers, theremay be insufficient funds in the actual implementation process, orthere may be inadequate management and excessivedischarge.Relatively speaking, contact oxidation method is moresuitable for sewage treatment in small and medium-sized medicalinstitutions, but contact oxidation method lacks oxygen-deficientstage, so the ability of denitrification is weak. Nitrogen ineffluent is basically converted to nitrate, ammonia nitrogen mayreach the standard, and the essence of total nitrogen has not beenremoved.The purpose is to overcome the shortcomings of theabove-mentioned treatment methods and provide a more suitabletreatment method for sewage treatment in small and medium-sizedhospitals. The treatment process of this method is simple, occupiesless land, has low construction investment and operation cost. Itcan not only meet the sewage treatment standards, but also is easyto operate and manage, and has low requirements for the quality ofoperators.,6.各类电器设备均设电路短路,过载保护装置以确保电器设备安全运,After hydrolysis andacidification, the wastewater enters oxygen-poor tank, contactoxidation tank and secondary sedimentation tank in order tocirculate, so that the wastewater is in the environment of anoxicand oxygen-enriched cycle transformation, and the followingtransformation can be achieved.- Denitrification; convertingorganic nitrogen into ammonia nitrogen, transforming ammonianitrogen into nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen through aerobicmicrobial nitrification bacteria, and then transforming nitritenitrogen and nitrate nitrogen into nitrogen through anaerobicmicrobial denitrification bacteria, escaping from sewage-phosphorus removal; high phosphorus content sludge is formed byphosphorus accumulating bacteria releasing phosphorus in anoxicenvironment and absorbing excessive phosphorus in oxygen-richenvironment.- Degrading organic matter thoroughly; On the basis ofhydrolysis acidification, utilizing the characteristics of rapidpropagation of aerobic microorganisms in oxygen-rich environmentand rapid propagation of anaerobic microorganisms in anoxicenvironment, degrading organic matter in turn and transforming itinto sludge(3) Disinfection of sewage to meet dischargestandards(4) Regular removal of sludgeThe characteristics of sewagetreatment methods in small and medium-sized hospitals are asfollows: the volume of the oxygen-poor pool is much smaller thanthat of the contact oxidation pool. When the sewage circulates, theresidence time in the oxygen-poor pool is very short, while theresidence time in the contact oxidation pool is very long, so thatthe sludge produced by biochemical treatment is mainly deposited inthe contact oxidation pool.The characteristics of sewage treatmentmethods in small and medium-sized hospitals are as follows: theoxygen-poor pool is composed of adjusting aeration pool and anoxicpool in series. The two pools are connected structure. By changingthe aeration degree of the adjusting aeration pool, the sewage isfully mixed and the water quality is uniform.4. The sewagetreatment method for small and medium-sized hospitals as describedin claim 3 is characterized in that the sewage treatment stationalso includes a sludge concentration pond which is connected with acontact oxidation pond, and the sludge concentration pond isequipped with a refluxpipe.与调节曝气池连通,回流管路上配有回水泵,开启回水泵,将污泥浓缩池的上层污水泵回调节曝气池,使下层的污泥浓缩,也使接触氧化池中的污泥持续进入污泥浓缩池Thecharacteristics of sewage treatment methods in small andmedium-sized hospitals are as follows: chlorine dioxide is injectedinto the drainage pipe of secondary sedimentation tank; chlorinedioxide flow rate is accurately measured by metering pump to reduceresidual chlorine residue; at the same time, water body issufficiently mixed from the contact oxidation tank and aerated byblower to reduce dosage.6. The small and medium-sized hospitalsewage treatment method described in Fig. 4 is characterized bythat the sewage return flow R = 1:1, i.e. the sewage circulationflow: the treated discharge flow = 1:1.At present, the total numberof medical units above county level (including industrial andmining enterprises hospitals, military hospitals, private hospitalsand Sino-foreign joint venture hospitals, etc.) in our country(except Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao SpecialAdministrative Region and Taiwan region) is about 21,000, of which1041 are tertiary first-class hospitals, accounting for about 5% ofthe total number of hospitals, 90% of which are small andmedium-sized hospitals below secondary level, relatively speaking,large hospitals. All of them have more standardized wastewatertreatment systems, and are equipped with professional maintenanceand management. However, due to the reasons of fund, operation costand personnel quality, a large number of small and medium-sizedmedical institutions are weak in the construction of medicalwastewater treatment facilities, and their operation is notcompletely normal, which is a difficult and important point incurrent pollution control.The sewage discharged by hospitalsconsists of two parts, one is domestic wastewater, the pollutantsare mainly organic matter, the other is medical wastewater, thepollutants are mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and so on. At present,most of the small and medium-sized medical institutions in ourcountry generally adopt the first-level intensified treatment. Thetypical process is as follows.The characteristic of the first-levelintensification process is that it can effectively controlpathogens through disinfection process, but the removal effect ofCOD and BOD is not good and can not meet the requirements ofenvironmental protection.In recent years, with the progress ofsocial economy and the improvement of people"s awareness ofenvironmental protection, more and more small and medium-sizedmedical institutions have built a number of secondary biochemicaltreatment facilities. The processes adopted include A/O, SBR,oxidation ditch and contact oxidation.As can be seen from Table 1,three biological treatment methods, A/O, SBR and oxidation ditch,all have good treatment effect.However, for small and medium-sizedmedical institutions, due to the lack of funds and managers, theremay be insufficient funds in the actual implementation process, orthere may be inadequate management and excessivedischarge.Relatively speaking, contact oxidation method is moresuitable for sewage treatment in small and medium-sized medicalinstitutions, but contact oxidation method lacks oxygen-deficientstage, so the ability of denitrification is weak. Nitrogen ineffluent is basically converted to nitrate, ammonia nitrogen mayreach the standard, and the essence of total nitrogen has not beenremoved.The purpose is to overcome the shortcomings of theabove-mentioned treatment methods and provide a more suitabletreatment method for sewage treatment in small and medium-sizedhospitals. The treatment process of this method is simple, occupiesless land, has low construction investment and operation cost. Itcan not only meet the sewage treatment standards, but also is easyto operate and manage, and has low requirements for the quality ofoperators.,在O级生物池溶解氧控制在3mg/1以上,PH值控制在7.5-8.0。在生物接触氧化池内起主要作用的是填料,填料的好坏决定了微生物能否被附着上以及是否能生长繁殖好,为对污水中的CODcr、BOD5、NH3—N去除率影响很大,医院废水处理流程工艺选择原则